
Navajo Council Missing & Murdered Dine’ Relatives Task Force Bring Federal Aid, MMDR TF mtg 11.9.23, 8:30 am

Ya’at’eeh Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Navajo Nation Council Naabik’iyati Committee Missing & Murdered Dine’ Relatives is meeting at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023, in the Navajo Council Budget & Finance Committee meeting room, in Window Rock, Arizona. The MMDR Task Force meeting Thursday morning is scheduled before the Naabik’iyati Committee meeting at 10 a.m. today, Thursday, […]

Navajo Council Health, Education, Human Services Committee: Veterans’ Housing, 3.8.23, 10 am

PROPOSED AGENDA HEALTH, EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 25th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMarch 8, 2023, 10:00 AMPRESIDING : Honorable Vince R. James, Chairperson, Honorable Germaine Simonson, Vice Chairperson PLACE : Budget and Finance Conference Room / OLS (In-Person)Via Telecommunications:Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833 MTG ID: 979-985-0956Passcode: 86515Window Rock, NN (AZ) [ ] Helena Nez Begay [ […]

Navajo Council oks emergency assistance for Navajo Housing Authority customers only to pay Navajo Tribal Utility Authority for outstanding utility bills, 4.57 pm, 9.29.22

4:57 pm, 9.29.22The Navajo Council votes 22 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0177-22, which seeks Council approval to use CARES relief aid funds from Navajo Housing Authority Navajo Nation Housing Program to pay for outstanding Navajo Tribal Utility Authority utility bills for Navajo Housing Authority customers only.Unofficial voting tally.Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay […]

NM 50-Year Water Plan & Navajo Agri-Infrastructure Fund Balance on Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee agenda, 7.6.22

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, If you missed the 7.6.22 Resources & Development Committee meetings or other meetings of the Navajo Council and its standing committees, you can still hear and possibly watch the meeting of your choice because all the meetings are recorded and accessible at: Livestream will be available online at:VIMEO: Facebook: May […]

Navajo Council Budget & Finance Committee hears ARPA & Hardship Assistance Update, 7.5.22

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, If you missed the 7.5.22 Budget & Finance Committee meetings or other meetings of the Navajo Council and its standing committees, you can still hear and possibly watch the meeting of your choice because all the meetings are recorded and accessible at: Livestream will be available online at:VIMEO: Facebook: AGENDA […]

Gaming; Navajo Housing Authority; New COVID-19 Aid on Resources Committee agenda, 10 am, 3.24.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,The Navajo Nation government’s Gambling business is scheduled to make a report before the Navajo Nation Council Resources & Development Committee during their Telecommunications meeting today, 3.24.21, which is scheduled to start at 10 a.m.To attend RDC meeting Via Telecommunications, the Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833 and the Meeting. ID: 732-628-2566 and Passcode: 86515. Please […]

Compromise gets NHA Reform Act approved

NAVAJO COUNCIL APPROVES LEGISLATION 0006-13: NAVAJO HOUSING AUTHORITY REFORM ACT OF 2013 WITH VOTE OF 21 IN FAVOR, 0 OPPOSED. SPONSORS – DELEGATES LEONARD TSOSIE AND KATHERINE BENALLY DELEGATE EDMUND YAZZIE Since only at 24 delegates, Naabi cud be oversight for law enforcement, natural resources, education, etc. If this legislation passes, we are heading in […]

Naabiki’yati’ Committee authority over NHA

NAVAJO COUNCIL NOW ON LEGISLATION 0006-13: THE NAVAJO HOUSING AUTHORITY REFORM ACT OF 2013, AMENDING THE NAVAJO NATION CODE AT TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTIONS 606, 607, 614, 615 SPONSOR – DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE Hope merit based, Navajo Housing A board members have sufficient qualifications/experience for sound decision making which wud allow homebuyers. Page 3: […]