Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,
The Navajo Nation government’s Gambling business is scheduled to make a report before the Navajo Nation Council Resources & Development Committee during their Telecommunications meeting today, 3.24.21, which is scheduled to start at 10 a.m.
To attend RDC meeting Via Telecommunications, the Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833 and the Meeting. ID: 732-628-2566 and Passcode: 86515. Please MUTE your phones. Ahe’hee!
Navajo Housing Authority is also scheduled to make a report to the RDC. I understand that NHA or as the Dine’ People say “No Housing Authority” has their employees signing Waivers to not hold NHA responsible if the NHA employees comes down with COVID-19 due to work…SMH I hope one of the RDC members asks NHA about whether they are making their workers sign a waiver.
Council Delegate Carl Slater is also scheduled to go before the RDC with legislation to protect the roads of the Navajo Nation during the pandemic by closing all Navajo Nation roads to visitors and tourists. Slater is a young Council delegate with new ideas. HIs latest idea is for the Navajo Nation to become a State…
May Peace Prevail on Mother Earth!
RSOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL Teleconferencing RDC Regular Meeting March 24, 2021 10:00 A.M.
Via Telecommunications –
Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833
Mtg. ID: 732-628-2566
Passcode: 86515
PRESIDING: Rickie Nez, Chairperson
Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
- Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements;
( ) Rickie Nez Location: ________
( ) Wilson Stewart, Jr. Location: ________
( ) Thomas Walker, Jr. Location: ________
( ) Herman M. Daniels Location: ________
( ) Mark A. Freeland Location: ________
( ) Kee Allen Begay, Jr. Location: ________ - Recognizing Guests and Visiting Officials:
- Reviewing and Approving the Agenda:
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez - Reviewing and Approving Journal(s):
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( ) - Receiving Reports:
A. Report from Paradox Resources—Investing in the Future of the NN – Montezuma Creek Pipeline ROW and Future Outlook Presenter: Todd Brooks, Chairman and CEO, Paradox Midstream, LLC.
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
B. Quarterly Update Report from Navajo Housing Authority Operation. Presenter:
Dwayne Waseta, Interim NHA CEO and NHA BOD
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
C. Update Report from Office of the Controller regarding the Upcoming COVID 19 Federal Funds. Presenter: Pearline Kirk, Controller, Office of the Controller and Others
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
D. Quarterly Report from Division of Natural Resources Presenter: Dr. Rudy
Shebala, Division Director and Ms. Vangie Curley-Thomas, Deputy Division
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
E. Update Report from Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise Presenter: Brian
Parrish, CEO and others.
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( ) - Old Business: NONE
- New Business:
A. Legislation # 0035-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Develop, Health, Education and Human Services and Naabik’Iyati Committees; Strongly Advising that the Indian Health Services, Office of Environmental Health, Streamline Delivery of Sanitation Services. Sponsor: Honorable Edmund Yazzie.
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
B. Legislation # 0043-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development, Naabik’Iyati Committees and the Navajo Nation Council: Rescinding CMA-16-20, Entitled, “An Action Relating to an Emergency: Regarding the COVID-19 Virus Within the Territorial Jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation, Ensuring Safe Protection Upon Roads Within the Navajo Nation By Declaring all Navajo Nation Owned and Maintained Roads Shall Be Closed to All Visitors and Tourists’.
Sponsor: Honorable Delegate Carl Slater
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
C. Legislation # 0033-21: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee and Budget and Finance Committee; Approving a Change in Resolution No. CAP-35-18 for Lupton Chapter by Deleting the Cemetery Pre-design Project No. D-143, and Adding a Cemetery “Plan, Design, Construct and Equipment” Project for Lupton Chapter: Sponsor: Honorable Raymond Smith, Jr.
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
D. Schedule a proposed meeting with NDOT and BIA prior to the 4/1/21
RDC/USDOT meeting. Recommended Date: March 29, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
E. Schedule a proposed leadership meeting with Office of the Controller and Division of Economic Development for a follow up on BIDF financial Report discussion.
Recommended Date: _________.
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
F. Schedule a proposed leadership meeting with Office of the Controller and Department of Agriculture for a follow up on AIF Financial Report discussion.
Recommended Date: _________. - Conclusion of Committee Meeting; Other Announcements; Adjournment:
Main Motion: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) TWalkerJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) Rickie Nez ( )
NOTE: This Agenda is still subject to Changes. The public is advised that the
Resources and Development Committee Agenda is not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Committee at a duly called Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. § 183. Navajo Nation Standing Committee Rule No. 8.