
Navajo Council Budget & Finance Commtee: Acting Controller Elizabeth Begay reports on Unspent Funds, 10 am, 3.23

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I’m listening to Budget & Finance Committee/BFC & The SOUND is Wonderful! Amazing!Acting Controller Elizabeth Begay is scheduled to report on How much Money the Navajo Govt has Not Spent… And so why is our Navajo Govt being sooo desparate to generate revenues/make money. How many times have you heard our Elected Officials […]

Navajo Naabik’iyati Committee meeting at Twin Arrows Casino & Resort, 10 am, 7.8.22

It’s 10:35 am, 7.8.22, and the Navajo Council Nabik’iyati Committee has convened its special meeting at the Navajo Nation Twin Arrows Casino & Resort.And on their agenda are Legislation to BAIL OUT the Nez&lizer Division of Economic Development & Navajo Tourism Dept. And the BAIL OUT is basicially a BLANK CHECK TOO.And who is the […]

Copied, pasting: Contact ALL Navajo Council Delegates to Vote RED on Legislation 0274-20, 11.9.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, The following is a Facebook post from a very wonderful and reliable individual whom I TRUST, which is why I RE-POSTED it as she requested: “Copied, pasting:‼️Contact ALL Delegates to Vote RED on Legislation 0274-20. ❌❌❌❌It will be debated tomorrow (Tues, Nov 10th, 2020) during a special NNC session. DED wants to “Modify” […]

Navajo Nation Council approves 2015 budget in three hours

I have been a journalist on the Navajo Nation for about 28 years and this is the first time that the Navajo Nation Council approved an annual operating budget for the Navajo Nation government in three hours and on the first day of their Budget Session on Sept. 2, 2014. The Council vote was 14 […]