Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,
Proposed amendments to the Navajo Nation Child Support Enforcement Act will update child support payments by an absent parent, which has never been done since July 25, 1996. The Navajo Nation Council adopted the Basic Child Support Payment Schedule on July 25, 1996.
The proposed amendments to the Navajo Child Support Law are contained in Legislation 0219-23: Approving Amendments to the Navajo Nation Child Support Guidelines and Child Support Schedule, which Navajo Nation Council Delegate Cherilyn Yazzie is sponsoring. Legislation 0219-23 goes before the Navajo Nation Council Health, Education and Human Services Committee, which is meeting in Chinle, Arizona, at the Navajoland Nursing Home. The HEHS meeting is scheduled to begin in the conference room at 10 a.m.
According to 0219-23, the Navajo Nation Child Support Schedule is to be reviewed and revised “at least every four years to ensure the amounts are periodically adjusted to support associated costs with care and support of children within the Navajo Nation.”
As the sponsor of 0219-23, Yazzie said, “Children cannot get in a vehicle and safely drive to find a job so they can buy food, pay for utilities, go to the laundromat, attend Headstart and elementary school. Legislation 0219-23 is focused on helping our children.
Legislation 0219-23 will update and streamline the Navajo Nation Child Support Act. Today we review the current Basic Child Support Schedule. This schedule has not been amended for 27 years. Yes, that’s right, the Navajo Nation law to financially hold absent parents accountable has not been updated for 27 years. We have ignored the financial needs of our children for 27 years.
The world around us has changed enormously in the past 27 years. It was 1996. Technology now and in 1996 is totally different. Technology today has the capability to hold an absent parent or parents accountable..
As leaders of the Navajo Nation are we ensuring that our children have opportunities? What can we do to support them?
As a new delegate, I’ve been learning a lot about our tribal systems, our programs and about our capacity to get the job completed. At times, I’ve felt frustrated for and also compassion for our Navajo Government employees who are dedicated to their jobs and that dedication shows in the work they produce daily and often 24/7. Ahe’hee to all our Navajo Government employees. I appreciate each and every one of you.”
I am proud to sponsor legislation that truly and completely supports children. Legislation 0219-23 should have been passed a year after the Navajo Nation Child Support Laws were passed because it updates our child support schedule to ensure that our single moms, our grandparents that are raising their grandbabies are getting the support needed to put food on the table, to make sure the children wear clothes that fit them and to make sure they have a warm and safe bed to sleep in at night.
Our children need our help now. And we can give them that help now by simply updating these kinds of laws to give them opportunities to do great things for our Dine, and our Homeland/Nation. Ahe’hee!”
Nov 13, 2023, 10 AM
PRESIDING : Honorable Vince R. James, Chairperson, Honorable Germaine Simonson, Vice Chairperson
PLACE : Navajoland Nursing Home Conference Room / (In-Person)
Via Telecommunications:
Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833MTG ID: 979-985-0956
Passcode: 86515
Chinle, NN (AZ)
[ ] Helena Nez Begay [ ] Germaine Simonson
[ ] Vince R. James [ ] George Tolth
[ ] Dr. Andy Nez [ ] Curtis Yanito
m: s: v: Not Voting: - REVIEW AND ADOPT THE JOURNAL(S):
➢ October 23, 2023 Regular Meeting
m: s: v: Not Voting: - RECEIVING REPORT:
A. Report:
❖ Navajo Election Administration
➢ Navajo Nation Chapter Election
➢ School Board Apportionment
Presenters: Veronica Curley, Interim Executive Director; Navajo Election Administration; Melvin Harrison, Chairperson; Navajo Board of Election Supervisors
m: s: v: Not Voting:
B. Report:
❖ Navajoland Nursing Home, Inc.; Chinle, NN (AZ)
❖ Indian Health Services – Navajo Area – Chinle Service Unit
➢ Arizona long-term care policy
➢ MOA with IHS
- Assisting with Admission Orders of Elderly patients for services
➢ Navajo Nation Title 13
Presenters: Wayne Claw, CEO; Navajoland Nursing Home
John Billison, Assistant CEO; Navajoland Nursing Home
Captain Brian Johnson, Navajo Area Director; Indian Health Services
Marquis Yazzie, Director – Office of Indian Self-Determination
Navajo Area Indian Health Service
m: s: v: Not Voting:
A. Legislation No. 0219-23: An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee and the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee; Approving Amendments to the Navajo Nation Child Support Guidelines and Child Support Schedule
Sponsor: Delegate Cherilyn Yazzie
Co-Sponsor: Delegate Danny Simpson
On October 9, 2023 – Legislation 0219-23 was tabled pending a work session within 30 days.HEHSC has final authority on the legislation. A work session was held on November 7, 2023.
Tabling Action:
M: Delegate George Tolth
S: Delegate Helena Nez Begay
Yays: GTolth; ANez; HNBegay
Nays: CYanito
Absent: GSimonson
Not Voting: VJames (Chair)
V: 3-1-2
m: s: v: Not Voting: - NEW BUSINESS:
A. Legislation No. 0243-23: An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Supporting and Approving Navajo Health Foundation- Sage Memorial Hospital, INC.’s Acceptance of the Produce Prescription Pilot Program (P4) Grant Awarded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services
Sponsor: Delegate Andy Nez
m: s: v: Not Voting:
B. Legislation No. 0244-23: An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of the Interior Under 25 U.S.C § 5301 et seq. (P.L. 93-638, as Amended) for a Three-Year Term for the Johnson O’Malley Program; Beginning January 1, 2024 Through December 31, 2026; Approving and Authorizing the Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Period of the Contract Term
Sponsor: Delegate Vince R. James
m: s: v: Not Voting
C. Legislation No. 0248-23: An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Amending and Approving the Navajo Division of General Services Master Plan of Operation
Sponsor: Delegate Vince James
m: s: v: Not Voting:
D. Travel: DBOSBA Winter Conference; December 7, 8, 9, 2023, Las Vegas, NV
➢ Confirm attendance for registration and Conference presenter volunteer.
➢ November 20, 2023 HEHSC Regular Meeting at Dine College; Tsaile Campus Tse’Hootsooi’ Medical Center Annual Report
➢ November 28-29, 2023 Navajo Area Indian Health Service Budget Formulation Fiscal Year 2026 at Twin Arrows Dine’ Conference Center
m: s: v: Not Voting:
THIS AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committees at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §§163 and 183, Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7, and Standing Rule of Order No. 8.