
Navajo Council Budget and Finance Committee voted down as oversight for Navajo Tax Commission

The Naabik’iyati Committee voted 14 in favor, 0 opposed to accept report from Navajo Agricultural Products Industry, which included Delegate Mel Begay withdrawing his directive to Navajo Justice Department to sue U.S. over Navajo Indian Irrigation Project. The Naabi Committee is now on LEGISLATION 0138-14Legislation 0138-14: Relating to Budget and Finance and Naabik’iyati’; Amending GSCMY-18-10, […]

Naabik’iyati Committee approves 4 bills without debate and adjourns

Navajo Council Naabik’iyati Committee, without debate, approves LEGISLATION 0108-14, approving and authorizing a Model 108 contract between Navajo Nation and the U.S. Department of the Interior for the planning and design of the San Juan Basin Irrigation Rehabilitation Project with a VOTE of 11 in favor, 0 opposed. The Committee also approved, without debate, LEGISLATION […]

Legislation for Navajo Council supports coal

Among legislation proposed to most appropriately go before the Navajo Nation Council’s Naabik’iyati Committee on Friday the 13th is the Navajo Nation’s support for the U.S. Native American Energy Act and Congressional extension permanently of the the Indian Coal Production Tax Credit, and the Navajo Nation’s opposition to the federal government’s proposed Carbon Tax, the […]