
Navajo guidelines for Navajo courts during public health emergency

PRESS RELEASE – Navajo Nation Judicial Branch relesses guidelines for Navajo courts during public health emergency WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. (3-25-20) – Chief Justice of the Navajo Nation JoAnn B. Jayne issued an administrative order to provide guidance to the courts of the Navajo Nation and the public during the public health emergency due to the […]

Council confirms Rhonda Tuni as probationary judge

LEGISLATION 0023-18: An Action Relating to the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Probationary Appointment of Rhonda Tuni as Navajo Nation District Court Judge SPONSOR: Honorable Otto Tso JUDICIAL BRANCH REPRESENTATIVE RALPH ROANHORSE, Ms Tuni has got her Juris Doctorate degree and New Mexico Bar License and Navajo Nation Bar License. Young people can be inspired […]