
Navajo Council Budget Committee ends Work Session, Immediately goes into Special Meeting to Act on Nez&Lizer application process for Entities to Apply for portion of $3.8 Billion ARPA, not $1.8B, 1 pm, 9.1.21

PROPOSED AGENDA OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL September 1, 2021 Special Meeting1 p.m. or immediately following the work sessionVia Teleconference: 669 900-6833, Zoom meeting ID: 232 628 2566, Passcode: 86515Presiding: Jamie Henio, ChairpersonRaymond Smith, Jr., Vice Chairperson Place: Via Teleconference, Window Rock, Navajo NationMembers Present:_ Elmer P. Begay _ […]