Navajo Council Resources & Development Comm Ignores Dine’ community report on damage by Peabody’s 50 years of coal mining, 11.30.22

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Lame Duck Resources & Development Committee is meeting at the Navajo government’s Twin Arrows Casino & Resort today, 11.30.22. The 2023-27 Navajo Council-Elect is also having their Orientation at Twin Arrows, which is near Flagstaff, Arizona.

The RDC meeting is In-Person & only via Telecommunication. No Facebook or YouTube.
Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 732-628-2566
Passcode: 86515

10:55 am, 11.30.22, the LAME DUCK Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee Continues to Display a total lack of Ke’!!!! Resources & Development Committee members Kee Allen Begay & Wilson Stewart Jr ask the RDC to move Legislation to the Top of Agenda and Hear Reports after Legislation. And of course the RDC approves the request by Begay & Stewart, both LAME DUCKS.
And so instead of hearing an Update Report on the Permanent Closure of Peabody Western Coal Company’s Black Mesa and Kayenta Mines, and the Reclamation of Indigenous Homelands by Nicole Horseherder, Director of Tó Nizhóní Ání (“Sacred Water Speaks”); and Herb Yazzie, Navajo Nation Supreme Court Chief Justice Emeritus, the LAME DUCK RDC is listening to their Staff read Legislation 0225-22: which only requires the action of the RDC for the Approval of a Mission Site Permit for Two (2.0) Acres, More or Less, for the Nazlini Church of the Nazarene, near Nazlini Chapter. And the Sponsor is Kee Allen Begay, Jr.
Nicole Horseherder & Herb Yazzie have been speaking out about the Damage to Dine’ Homeland by 50-years of strip-mining of coal from Black Mesa, which is a Dine’ female Deity that brings Rain & Moisture and created a huge underground lake or aquifer that had never been touched by humans until Peabody arrived to strip mine the liver of Black Mesa, which is a natural water/moisture purifier for the aquifer.
The 50-years of coal mining by Peabody also drained much of the Black Mesa’s aquifer. Most, if not all, of the Natural springs and wells in the area have dried up.
Black Mesa is also a shrine where Dine’ prayers and offerings have been made by Dine’ centuries and centuries before the Church of the Nazarene was established itself as an Organized Religion. And it is Organized Religion that created Confusion among us, Dine’.
And that Confusion is Obvious among the LAME DUCK RDC. Chairman Rickie Nez opened the committee with an Organized Religion/Christian prayer that members of the Church of the Nazarene praised.

11:21 am, 11.30.22, and I was dropped from the Call In to attend LAME DUCK RDC meeting at the Navajo govt’s Twin Arrows Casino & Resort and so I Did Not Hear the Vote on LAME DUCK RDC member Kee Allen Begay’s legislation to approve a Mission Site Lease for 2 or more acres of Dine’ Homeland near the Navajo govt’s Nazlini Chapter. But I’m Sure the LAME DUCK RDC Unanimously Approved a Mission Site Lease for the LAME DUCK Begay’s Church of the Nazarene.
RDC is now on Legislation 0227-22, which requires Final Action by the LAME DUCK Navajo Council and goes to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committees before going before the Navajo Council. Legislation 0227-22 seeks Concil Adoption of the Latest International Building Code (ICC’S 2021 International Building Code) as Applicable to Commercial and Government Buildings Constructed by the Navajo Nation Government and its Entities and Political Subdivisions. Sponsor: Law & Order Committee Chairwoman Eugenia Charles-Newton, who was re-elected to a second four-year term.

12:43 pm, 11.30.22, Law & Order Committee Chairwoman Eugenia Charles-Newton asks LAME DUCK Resources & Development Committee why is the Navajo Council and RDC Traveling to Conduct Business if some RDC members feel that there is not enough time to Work on & Approve her Legislation 0227-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Adopting the Latest International Building Code (ICC’S 2021 International Building Code) as Applicable to Commercial and Government Buildings Constructed by the Navajo Nation Government and its Entities and Political Subdivisions.

Charles-Newton reminds the RDC that they are Traveling to Colorado on Business for the Dine’ People, and another RDC member is Traveling to Washington DC.

RDC member Herman Daniels Jr asked the RDC to have a Work Session or Leadership Meeting on Legislation 0227-22.

Navajo govt Facilities Management staff inform the LAME DUCK RDC that Navajo Govt enterprises/businesses, such as Navajo Tribal Utility Authority, that if the Navajo govt does not Adopt the MINIUMUM Building Standards then the Navajo Govt Enterprises/Businesses can set whatever Building Code they want.
Other Navajo Govt Enterprises/Businesses are Navajo Housing Authority, Navajo Engineering & Construction Authority, Navajo Arts & Crafts Enterprise; Dine’ Development Corporation; Navajo Times; KTNN; Navajo Oil & Gas; Navajo Broadcast Services…

RDC chairman Rickie Nez must be feeling the Sting of Law & Order Committee chairwoman Charles-Newton’s Question about Why is the RDC traveling? Nez says that he and ? will be traveling Sunday for three or four days for Navajo Housing Authority and water rights. It is our job. We get up at 3 in the morning.

1:10 pm, 11.30.22, the LAME DUCK RDC votes 5 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0227-22, adopting the minimum Navajo Nation Building Code. And then RDC Chairman Rickie Nez, who was re-elected to another four-year Navajo Council term, calls for a 10-minute Recess.

1:24 pm, 11.30.22, Next on the LAME DUCK RDC agenda is Legislation #0228-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Oil and Gas Operating Agreement Between the Navajo Nation and EOG Resources, Inc., for Certain Trust Lands in the Upper Fruitland Chapter and the Nenahnezad Chapter, Navajo Nation (San Juan County, New Mexico). Sponsor: RDC chairman Rickie Nez

1:59 pm, 11.30.22, Surprise, Surpsie…LOL. The LAME DUCK RDC votes 5 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0228-22, which seeks Navajo Council approval of an Oil & Gas Operating Agreement between the Navajo Govt and EOG Resuorces Inc for certain lands in Upper Fruitland and Nenahnezad Chapters.
Unofficial RDC voting tally:
Thomas Walker Green; Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green: Mark Freeland Green; Rickie Nez Green.

2 pm, 11.30.22, the LAME DUCK RDC is now on Legislation #0229-22: which only requires Approval by LAME DUCK RDC for a Mission Site Permit for 1.5 Acre, More or Less, for the Congregational Methodist Navajo Mission, in the Vicinity of Newcomb Chapter, Navajo Nation. Sponsor RDC chairman Rickie Nez

2:15 pm, 11.30.22, Surprise, Surprise…LAME DUCK RDC votes 5 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0229-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Mission Site Permit for 1.5 Acre, More or Less, for the Congregational Methodist Navajo Mission, in the Vicinity of Newcomb Chapter, Navajo Nation. Sponsor: RDC chairman Rickie Nez
Unofficial RDC voting tally:
Thomas Walker Green; Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green: Mark Freeland Green; Rickie Nez Green.

2:19 pm, 11.30.22, LAME DUCK RDC now on Legislation 0231-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving a Memorandum of Agreement between the Navajo Nation and the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (“ONHIR”) for the Lower Highway 89 Development; Authorizing the President of the Navajo Nation to Accept a Gift of the Lower Highway 89 Land from the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise and Submit an Application to place the Lower Highway 89 Land into Trust Under Public Law 96-305. Sponsor: Speaker Otto Tso

2:22 pm, 11.30.22, LAME DUCK RDC votes 5 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0231-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving a Memorandum of Agreement between the Navajo Nation and the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (“ONHIR”) for the Lower Highway 89 Development; Authorizing the President of the Navajo Nation to Accept a Gift of the Lower Highway 89 Land from the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise and Submit an Application to place the Lower Highway 89 Land into Trust Under Public Law 96-305. Sponsor: Speaker Otto Tso
Unofficial RDC voting tally:
Thomas Walker Green; Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green: Mark Freeland Green; Rickie Nez Green.

2:24 pm, 11.30.22, the LAME DUCK RDC finally hearing Update Report on the Permanent Closure of Peabody Western Coal Company’s Black Mesa and Kayenta Mines, and the Reclamation of Indigenous Homelands.
Presenters: Nicole Horseherder, Director, Tó Nizhóní Ání (“Sacred Water Speaks”); and Herb Yazzie, Former Navajo Nation Supreme Court Justice

2:55 pm, 11.30.22, Navajo Supreme Court Chief Justice Emeritus Herb Yazzie says Peabody filing to be released from their Bond for Reclaiming Land, which represents Millions of Dollars in Reclamation Work on the former coal mining area of Peabody, which shows Peabody wants to “exit” the Navajo Nation ASAP.
There is a way, starting with RDC, to Demand a Reclamation Plan from Peabody. We’re hoping the RDC & Navajo Council will support our communities in Reclaiming our Homeland. We gave a Letter to Prez Nez to just Sign & send to Federal Govt regarding Reclamation. But Nez says the Land cannot be Reclaimed.
Herb Yazzie tells RDC that Peabody destroyed the land, plowed under Sacred Sites, Water, Burial Sites. And now Peabody pushing to have federal govt define Reclamation as Reseeding Mine Area.
“Bring the Reclamation Plan back on the table so we can talk about it,” Herb Yazzie says to RDC.
3:02 pm, 11.30.22, RDC Chairman Rickie Nez announces that LAME DUCK RDC lost a Quorum.

3:02 pm, 11.30.22, RDC Chairman Rickie Nez announces that LAME DUCK RDC lost a Quorum as Dine’ residents of Black Mesa pour their hearts out about the Need for the Navajo Govt to bring the Peabody Reclamation Plan back on the table.
And then RDC members Herman Daniels and Mark Freeland announce that they are still in the meeting.
RDC chaiman Nez calls on Black Mesa resident Percy Deal to present on the Peabody Reclamation of Black Mesa and Kayenta Coal Mines.

3 pm, 11.30.22, Black Mesa resident Percy Deal informs the LAME DUCK RDC that there is something seriously wrong with Peabody Reclamation Work Group. And that is the failure of the Navajo Govt Peabody Reclamation Work Group to Involve the Dine’ People who were directly impacted by Peabody’s 50 years of coal mining on Black Mesa.
The Peabody Reclamation Plan Work Group includes the Navajo Govt Division of Natural Resources, Navajo Govt Department of Minerals, Navajo Govt Office of the President & Vice-President, and Peabody Western Coal Company.
Deal says Peabody does not addressed the health impacts of coal mining on community members who are suffering from lung diseases. We have no running water, he emphasized.
Nicole Horseherder informed the RDC that Peabody used 4 million gallons Daily of pristine Navajo Aquifer water to mine coal & mix with pulverized coal and ship the coal slurry from Peabody Black Mesa Mine about 270 miles to Mohave Generating Station in Laughlin, Nevada.

3:22 pm, 11.30.22, Black Mesa residents finish their presentation to the RDC regarding Peabody’s push to have the Navajo Govt let them off the hook to Reclaim the huge area on Black Mesa where Peabody mined coal and used pristine water for 50 years to mine coal from an area with very little rainfall and suffering from drought.
RDC memer Kee Allen Begay sounds sooo Defeated! He tells the Black Mesa residents that the Navajo Council has only One Month in Office and so what can they do.
NOTE – Good Grief, Kee Allen Begay, you just got finished telling the RDC & everyone that you are traveling to Washington DC next week to work for the Dine’ People and RDC chairman Rickie Nez is also traveling to Washington DC! The Dine’ People have the Right to Know how Much of the Dine’ People’s Money/Beeso was Spent on RDC Travel for the Past FOUR YEARS, especially to Las Vegas!!!! And the LAME DUCK RDC went on a Tour of the Peabody Coal Mining Area on Tuesday, 11.29.22, which included a Free Lunch from Peabody. So WHAT is RDC doing, besides spending the Dine’ People’s Besso/Money. By the What Happened to ARPA Hardship Assistance?

3:37 pm, 11.30.22, LAME DUCK RDC chairman Rickie Nez talking about his political career & how an elderly man told him that the community would be voting him as chapter president since he had a “big mouth.” And so he was voted three times as chapter president. But he’s Humble.
“Let’s start this,” Rickie Nez tells the Black Mesa residents. “We need experts to look into the aquifer.”
NOTE – Good Grief!!!!! The LAME DUCK RDC just heard from the Experts – Dine’ People who have lived for centuries & centuries/Forever on Black Mesa and they have a PLAN. STOP ignoring Dine’ experts!!!!

3:44 pm, 11.30.22, a Black Mesa resident says they have been praying for 50 years. (RDC chairman Rickie Nez encourages the Black Mesa residents to Pray) “We want our land back,” she says as she break down in tears. “you have until January 10th. Do something! Don’t say wait for the next Navajo Council. Don’t just Travel. We have been praying every single day. We have no land. We have no Hogan. We can’t even do our ceremonies, kinalldah. No Hogans!! We lost our mother during pandemic. Our dad cries every day. Six months later we lost our nephew. And now we are fighting for our home, Our mortgage is in default. We will be at Navajo Hopi Land Commission. Who will help us? There are federal funds to renovte homes. Our relatives have roofs falling down. Who will help us. Where is Delegate Elmer Begay? We voted for you.

4 pm, 11.30.22, LAME DUCK RDC listens to Update Report from the Department of Agriculture on BID NO. 22-08-2865LE for the Navajo Nation’s Pasture, Rangeland, and Forge (PRF) Federal Crop Insurance Policy. Presenter: Leo Watchman, Jr., Department Manager, Department of Agriculture, and Votes to Accept Report.

4:07 pm, 11.30.22, LAME DUCK RDC hearing Update Report from the Navajo Nation Telecommunication Regulatory Commission on Buildout of Cell Towers and Broadband on the Navajo Nation, and the Final Rulemaking on the Navajo Nation Telecommunications Tower Siting Regulations.
Presenter: Tico R. Charlee, Executive Director, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, who has been in office for seven months.

4:26 pm, 11.30.22, LAME DUCK RDC votes 3 in favor, zero opposed on Update Report Report from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission on Buildout of Cell Towers and Broadband on the Navajo Nation, and the Final Rulemaking on the Navajo Nation Telecommunications Tower Siting Regulations. Presenter: Tico R. Charlee, Executive Director, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission.
RDC chairman Rickie Nez announces that RDC adjourns at 4:27 pm, 11.30.22.

PRESIDING: Honorable Rickie Nez, Chairperson, Honorable Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
LOCATION: Twin Arrows Casino Resort
22181 Resort Boulevard
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
via Telecommunication
Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 732-628-2566
Passcode: 86515

  1. Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements:
    [] Rickie Nez (C) [] Thomas Walker, Jr. (VC) [] Kee Allen Begay, Jr. [] Herman M. Daniels, Jr. [] Mark A. Freeland [] Wilson C. Stewart, Jr.
  2. Recognizing Guests and Visiting Officials:
  3. Reviewing and Approving the Agenda:
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  4. Reviewing and Approving Journal(s): November 16, 2022 (Regular Meeting)
    November 21, 2022 (Special Meeting)
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  5. Receiving Reports:
    A. Update Report on the Permanent Closure of Peabody Western Coal Company’s Black Mesa and Kayenta Mines, and the Reclamation of Indigenous Homelands.
    Presenters: Nicole Horseherder, Director, Tó Nizhóní Ání (“Sacred Water
    Speaks”); and Herb Yazzie, Former Navajo Nation Supreme Court Justice
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    B. Update Report from the Department of Agriculture on BID NO. 22-08-2865LE for the Navajo Nation’s Pasture, Rangeland, and Forge (PRF) Federal Crop Insurance Policy. Presenter: Leo Watchman, Jr., Department Manager, Department of Agriculture
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    C. Update Report from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission on Buildout of Cell Towers and Broadband on the Navajo Nation, and the Final Rulemaking on the Navajo Nation Telecommunications Tower Siting Regulations. Presenter:
    Tico R. Charlee, Executive Director, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  6. Old Business: None.
  7. New Business:
    A. Legislation #0225-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Mission Site Permit for Two (2.0) Acres, More or Less, for the Nazlini Church of the Nazarene, in the Vicinity of Nazlini Chapter, Navajo Nation. Sponsor: Honorable Kee Allen Begay, Jr.
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    B. Legislation #0227-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Adopting the Latest International Building Code (ICC’S 2021 International Building Code) as Applicable to Commercial and Government Buildings Constructed by the Navajo Nation Government and its Entities and Political Subdivisions. Sponsor: Honorable Eugenia Charles-Newton
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    C. Legislation #0228-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Oil and Gas Operating Agreement Between the Navajo Nation and EOG Resources, Inc., for Certain Trust Lands in the Upper Fruitland Chapter and the Nenahnezad Chapter, Navajo Nation (San Juan County, New Mexico). Sponsor: Honorable Rickie Nez
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    D. Legislation #0229-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Mission Site Permit for 1.5 Acre, More or Less, for the Congregational Methodist Navajo Mission, in the Vicinity of Newcomb Chapter, Navajo Nation. Sponsor: Honorable Rickie Nez
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    E. Legislation #0231-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving a Memorandum of Agreement between the Navajo Nation and the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (“ONHIR”) for the Lower Highway 89 Development; Authorizing the President of the Navajo Nation to Accept a Gift of the Lower Highway 89 Land from the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise and Submit an Application to place the Lower Highway 89 Land into Trust Under Public Law 96-305. Sponsor: Honorable Otto Tso
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  8. Close of Meeting; Announcements; Adjournment. _
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    THE AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2.N.N.C. §§163 and 183. Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7 and Standing Committee Rule of Order No. 8.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 10:00 a.m.

PRESIDING: Honorable Rickie Nez, Chairperson, Honorable Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
LOCATION: Twin Arrows Casino Resort
22181 Resort Boulevard
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
via Telecommunication
Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 732-628-2566
Passcode: 86515

  1. Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements:
    [] Rickie Nez (C) [] Thomas Walker, Jr. (VC) [] Kee Allen Begay, Jr. [] Herman M. Daniels, Jr. [] Mark A. Freeland [] Wilson C. Stewart, Jr.
  2. Recognizing Guests and Visiting Officials:
  3. Reviewing and Approving the Agenda:
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  4. Reviewing and Approving Journal(s): November 16, 2022 (Regular Meeting) November 21, 2022 (Special Meeting)
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  5. Receiving Reports:
    A. Update Report on the Permanent Closure of Peabody Western Coal Company’s Black Mesa and Kayenta Mines, and the Reclamation of Indigenous Homelands.
    Presenters: Nicole Horseherder, Director, Tó Nizhóní Ání (“Sacred Water
    Speaks”); and Herb Yazzie, Former Navajo Nation Supreme Court Justice
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    B. Update Report from the Department of Agriculture on BID NO. 22-08-2865LE for the Navajo Nation’s Pasture, Rangeland, and Forge (PRF) Federal Crop Insurance Policy. Presenter: Leo Watchman, Jr., Department Manager, Department of Agriculture
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    C. Update Report from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission on Buildout of Cell Towers and Broadband on the Navajo Nation, and the Final Rulemaking on the Navajo Nation Telecommunications Tower Siting Regulations. Presenter: Tico R. Charlee, Executive Director, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  6. Old Business: None.
  7. New Business:
    A. Legislation #0225-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Mission Site Permit for Two (2.0) Acres, More or Less, for the Nazlini Church of the Nazarene, in the Vicinity of Nazlini Chapter, Navajo Nation. Sponsor: Honorable Kee Allen Begay, Jr.
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    B. Legislation #0227-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Adopting the Latest International Building Code (ICC’S 2021 International Building Code) as Applicable to Commercial and Government Buildings Constructed by the Navajo Nation Government and its Entities and Political Subdivisions. Sponsor: Honorable Eugenia Charles-Newton
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    C. Legislation #0228-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Oil and Gas Operating Agreement Between the Navajo Nation and EOG Resources, Inc., for Certain Trust Lands in the Upper Fruitland Chapter and the Nenahnezad Chapter, Navajo Nation (San Juan County, New Mexico). Sponsor: Honorable Rickie Nez
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    D. Legislation #0229-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Mission Site Permit for 1.5 Acre, More or Less, for the Congregational Methodist Navajo Mission, in the Vicinity of Newcomb Chapter, Navajo Nation. Sponsor: Honorable Rickie Nez
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    E. Approving Travel to Clark County, Nevada to Attend and Participate in the 2022 Colorado River Water User Association (CRWUA) Conference on Wednesday, December 14th to Friday, December 16th.
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
  8. Close of Meeting; Announcements; Adjournment. _
    M: S: V:
    Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
    THE AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2.N.N.C. §§163 and 183. Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7 and Standing Committee Rule of Order No. 8

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