
Hopi government and U.S. Interior Department renew War on Navajo families

On Tuesday, Oct 22, 2014 the US Bureau of Indian Affairs launched a campaign intended to be the final solution to the long-standing Hopi-Navajo Land Dispute. The BIA and Hopi police have established barricades on roads leading to the Hopi Partition Land, and neither outsiders or residents are allowed to enter or leave. That according […]

Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee started

The Navajo Nation Council’s Resources & Development Committee has started. On their agenda is the $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company and the Energy Policy. Second revision of RDC proposed agenda, 10-8-13 Navajo Council Delegate Dwight Witherspoon and former Council Delegate Percy Deal, who is the Hard Rock Chapter president, are making a […]