Navajo government needs to support renewable energy

FROM black mesa, near Hopi and work for Black Mesa Water Coalition which addresses Peabody’s use of water. Mohave Generating Station used pristine water 3.3 million gallons to mix with coal. We formed organization to lok at environmental injustice of how water used while pple hauling water.
Coal industry has created jobs but also created coal combuston waste. Taught by grandmothers that Black Mesa’s liver is coal and if continue abusing then it will make us sick so call to transition into clean energy to benefit Navajo, Hopi, and governments.
really ask Navajo govt lok at and solar panel cost down by 80 percent. There is opportunities and shud not say that renewables don’t work. We just ned to come together.

Greater Phx Chamnber of Commerce
Today 125th anniversary and celebratijng with 160 members. We support TWG which reduces NOx while maintianing Az economy and NGS and Kayetna Mine.
Plus affordable water and power.
EPA BART places undue burden on NGS.
Az receives million of dollars in taxes from NGS.
NGS closure place increased water and power costs to individuals and businesses.

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