Navajo Council oks CARES spending plan 9:22 pm, 7.31.20

The Navajo Nation Council unanimously approved another Navajo Nation CARES relief aid spending package that included nine amendments. I’m posting the nine amendments.

The Council voted 20 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0144-20, which contains the Navajo Nation CARES relief aid expenditure plan. Legislation 0144-20 now goes before Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez, who has ten days after he receives 0144-20 to either sign off on it, veto it or line-item veto budgets in 0144-20, which he has done since receiving the Council’s first spending plan in April. The Council adjourned at 9:26 pm. July 31, 2020.

I’m checking on the grand total for the CARES spending plan that the Council approved Friday and will post as soon as I get the official amount from the Office of the Speaker. The following are the nine amendment to Legislation 0144-20.

Legislation 0144-20

S: J. Henio


  1. Page 1, line 16, after “PROJECTS”, insert PAYROLL SUPPORT
  2. Insert Payroll Support Expenditure Plan (attached) as Exhibit 13.
  3. On page 4, line 30, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Payroll Support Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 13, is to immediately provide ninety million nine hundred twenty-eight thousand forty-seven dollars ($90,928,047) of Navajo Nation CARES Funds for payroll expenses eligible under the U.S. Treasury Guidance.
  4. On page 5, line 28, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Payroll Support Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of ninety million nine hundred twenty-eight thousand forty-seven dollars ($90,928,047) and allocates the funding to the Office of the Controller, as set forth in Exhibit 13.
  5. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 13.
  6. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Hardship Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 10 by ninety million nine hundred twenty-eight thousand forty-seven dollars ($90,928,047) and replace with revised totals.
  7. Page 6, line 9, add new paragraph as follows:
    The progress of all Expenditure Plan funded projects shall be reviewed by the Budget and Finance and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees during the month of October 2020. The funding for any project that has not made enough progress to demonstrate that it will be fully completed by December 30, 2020, will be re-allocated to the Hardship Assistance Expenditure Plan, Exhibit 10, through Naabik’íyáti’ Committee resolution.
  8. Increase any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  9. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs, sections, and/or exhibits accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: C. Slater
    S: E. Tso
    V: 22 in favor, 0 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

Amendment #2

  1. Reduced the dollar amount of the Hardship Assistance Expenditure Plan, Exhibit 10, by twenty four million six hundred thousand dollars ($24,600,000) in the legislation and the Expenditure Plan in Exhibit 10 .
  3. Insert Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise Emergency Assistance Expenditure Plan (attached) as Exhibit 12.
  4. Page 2, line 7, after “utilities”, insert gaming
  5. Page 4, line 30, insert new paragraph as follows
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise Emergency Assistance Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 12, is to immediately provide twenty-four million six hundred thousand dollars ($24,600,000) to sustain the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise whose business operations, including the continued employment of approximately 1,000 Navajo members, has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and public health emergency orders.
  6. Page 5, Line 29, add a new paragraph as follows.
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of $24,600,000 and allocates the funding to the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise for the purposes set forth in Exhibit 12.
  7. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 12.
  8. Adjust any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  9. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs or sections accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: P. Halona
    S: E. Wauneka
    V: 19 in favor, 4 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

Amendment #3

  1. Page 1, line 16, after “PROJECTS”, insert HOUSING PROJECTS
  2. Insert Housing Expenditure Plan (attached) as Exhibit 14.
  3. On page 4, line 30, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Housing Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 14, is to immediately provide twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000.00) to mitigate housing deficiencies within Navajo communities the effects of which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. On page 5, line 28, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Housing Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000.00) and allocates the funding to the Housing Improvement Program, as set forth in Exhibit 14.
  5. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 14.
  6. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Hardship Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 10 by twenty four million dollars ($24,000,000) and replace with revised totals.
  7. In Exhibit 14, Section 1, 2nd Paragraph, after “pre-manufactored homes, and” include travel or
  8. Adjust any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  9. Page 1, lines 15 through 16, add the title of all new expenditure plans adopted by the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee or Navajo Nation Council, but not previously added.
  10. Page 4, line 30, add new separate paragraphs as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Solid Waste Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 7, is to immediately provide thirty million seven hundred seventy-three thousand dollars ($30,773,000) for the development and implementation of solid waste projects that will enhance sanitation in Navajo communities and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
  11. Page 5, lines 3 through 6, add the title and exhibit numbers of all new expenditure plans adopted by the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee or Navajo Nation Council, but not previously added.
  12. Page 6, line 14, add the exhibit numbers for all new expenditure plans adopted by the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee or Navajo Nation Council, but not previously added.
  13. Page 6, line 25, amend paragraph E as follows:
    E. The CARES Fund Expedited Procurement Rules and Procedures, as set forth in Exhibit 1-E, attached as Exhibit 13, are hereby adopted and shall apply to procurement activities for the Expenditure Plans set forth herein.
  14. Page 7, lines 1 through 3, add the title of all new expenditure plans adopted by the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee or Navajo Nation Council, but not previously added.
  15. Page 8, line 4, delete A cost is ‘incurred’ when the responsible unit of government has expended funds to cover the cost and insert In its Guidance issued on June 30, 2020, Treasury clarified that ‘for a cost to be considered to have been incurred, performance or delivery must occur during the covered period but payment of funds need not be made during that time (though it is generally expected that this will take place within 90 days of a cost being incurred)”.
  16. Page 9, lines 10 through 16, add the title and appropriate oversight committee all new expenditure plans adopted by the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee or Navajo Nation Council, but not previously added.
  17. Page 9, line 22, delete under 2 N.N.C. § 164 (A)(17) and insert:
    2 N.N.C. § 221 (B) and budget line-item veto authority delegated to the President by vote of the Navajo People in 2009.
  18. Page 9, line 25, delete 2 N.N.C. § 164 (A)(17) and insert budget line-item veto authority delegated to the President by vote of the Navajo People in 2009.
  19. Delete all dollar amounts and attendant language from Expenditure Plans referencing funding past December 30, 2020.
  20. Clarify HEHSC Amendment One, paragraph 3, as follows: In Exhibit 5, replace the existing NTUA broadband section of the document with the titled 2020-07-04 NTUA NTUAW CARES Act Funding Request . . . .
  21. The Office of Legislative Services and Office of Legislative Counsel are authorized to update all cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation and exhibits, including Expenditure Plans, to account for amendments made at the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council.
  22. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs, sections, and/or exhibits accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: N. Brown
    S: D. Tso

Amendment #4

  1. Page 1, line 16, after “PROJECTS”, insert JUDICIAL BRANCH
  2. Insert Judicial Plan Expenditure Plan (attached) as Exhibit 15.
  3. On page 4, line 30, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Judicial Branch Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 15, is to immediately provide nine million six hundred thirty three thousand eight hundred sixty-three dollars ($9,633,863) to address the continuing ability of the Judicial Branch to provide access to the Courts of the Navajo Nation and essential judicial services, including but not limited to, court, peacemaking and probation/parole services to Navajo and non-Navajo people and entities while protecting the public and staff from the spread of COVID-19.
  4. On page 5, line 28, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Judicial Branch Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of nine million six hundred thirty three thousand eight hundred sixty-three dollars ($9,633,863) and allocates the funding to the Administrative Office of the Courts within the Judicial Branch, as set forth in Exhibit 15.
  5. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 15.
  6. Delete the following amounts from the Budget Forms attached to the Judicial Branch Budget Forms totaling $721,187.

9160 Vehicles $285,215.
3110 Fleet Travel Expense $18,548.
7740/7750/7766 Vehicle Insurance Premiums $4,872.
9026 Infrastructure $257,000
9054 Building Improvements $90,000.00
9112 Furniture $62,552

  1. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Parks and Recreation Economic Assistance Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 11 by nine million six hundred thirty three thousand eight hundred sixty-three dollars ($9,633,863) and replace with revised cumulative total.
  2. Increase any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  3. Page 1, line 16, after “PROJECTS”, insert CONTROLLER
  4. Insert Controller Expenditure Plan (attached) as Exhibit 16.
  5. On page 4, line 30, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Controller Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 16, is to immediately provide twenty million eight thousand seven hundred ninety-eight dollars ($20,008,798) to address the increase of resources and costs imposed on the Office of the Controller by COVID-19 pandemic and the receipt of the federal CARES Funds.
  6. On page 5, line 28, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Controller Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of twenty million eight thousand seven hundred ninety-eight dollars ($20,008,798) and allocates the funding to the Office of the Controller as set forth in Exhibit 16.
  7. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 16.
  8. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Hardship Assistance Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 10 by amount of twenty million eight thousand seven hundred ninety-eight dollars ($20,008,798) and replace with revised cumulative total.
  9. Increase any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  10. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs, sections, and/or exhibits accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: E. Charles-Newton
    S: E. Tso
    V: 12 in favor, 11 opposed (Speaker Damon Breaks Tie and votes in favor)

Amendment #5

  1. Page 1, line 16, after “PROJECTS”, insert ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
  2. Insert Economic Development (attached) as Exhibit 17.
  3. Revise Division of Economic Development Expenditure Plan, Exhibit 17, Section I PURPOSE as follows:
    At the end of the second paragraph, insert new sentence as follows: Providing economic relief to artisans and tribal park vendors shall be the first priority.
  4. On page 4, line 30, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Economic Development Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 17, is to immediately provide sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) to provide immediate relief and assistance to Navajo Businesses and Artisans whose livelihoods were devastated by the public health emergency orders; and for development of COVID-19 related projects by the Division of Economic Development.
  5. On page 5, line 28, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Economic Development Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) and allocates the funding to the Division of Economic Development, as set forth in Exhibit 17.
  6. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 17.
  7. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Dine Chamber of Commerce Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 9 by thirty-two million five hundred thousand dollars ($32,500,000); and delete Exhibit 9 and all language establishing and/or funding the Dineh Chamber of Commerce Expenditure Plan.
  8. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the NTUA Cistern Projects in the Water Projects Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 3 by twenty-seven million five hundred thousand dollars ($27,500,000) and revise Exhibit 3 cumulative amount.
  9. Adjust any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  10. As set forth in the attachments to Exhibit 17, delete the estimated loss preservation within the Guaranteed Mininum Annual Rent in the Navajo Nation Division of Economic Development COVID-19 Projects in the amount of $1,650,000.
  11. As set forth in the attachments to Exhibit 17, delete the DED Tourism annual tax project cut of 75% loss in the amount of $900,000
  12. As set forth in the attachments to Exhibit 17, delete from the Navajo PPE Manufacturing Project in the amount of $5,000,000
  13. Add $2,550,000 $3,550,000 to the Navajo Artist Relief Fund.
  14. Add $4,000,000 to Navajo Business Relief Fund.
  15. Adjust all cumulative amounts in the legislation and Expenditure Plan to reflect this amendment.
  16. Revise the Expenditure Plan and attachments accordingly.
  17. Swap out Navajo Nation Division of Economic Development COVID-19 Projects Page 5 with New Updated Memorandum known as page 7 with first bullet point ending with $1,650,000
  18. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs, sections, and/or exhibits accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: W. Stewart, Jr.
    S: O. Tso
    V: 19 in favor, 0 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

Amendment 6

  1. Page 4, line 16, increase the amount set forth by eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($850,000).
  2. Increase the cumulative amount set forth in Exhibit 4, page 1, Section I, by eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($850,000).
  3. Add the Salt Springs South – Phase III (attached) to Exhibit 4.
  4. The Office of Legislative Services and Office of Legislative Council shall adjust any cumulative amounts in this legislation to account for the amendment here.
  5. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs or sections accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: R. Smith, Jr.
    S: E. Tso
    V: 19 in favor, 0 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

Amendment #7

  1. Page 1, line 16, after “PROJECTS”, insert PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE
  2. Insert Public Health and Health Care Expenditure Plan (attached) as Exhibit 18.
  3. Exhibit 18, Section I, paragraph 6, strike $53,000,000 and insert $75,836,016
  4. Add new sentence to the end of the second full paragraph on page 2 of the Expenditure Plan, Exhibit 18, as follows: No more than two million dollars ($2,000,000) funds allocated to the Department of Health shall be used to support traditional healing, including but not limited to, traditional practitioners, NAC Roadmen and faith-based support services
  5. On page 4, line 30, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The purpose of the CARES Fund Public Health and Health Care Expenditure Plan, attached as Exhibit 18, is to immediately provide seventy-five million eight hundred thirty six thousand sixteen dollars ($75,836,016) to address the COVID-19 related expenses of public medical facilities and COVID-19 related to public health expenses necessary to provide pandemic health care services, as well as to mitigate transmission of COVID-19 within the territorial boundaries of the Navajo Nation.
  6. On page 5, line 28, insert a new paragraph as follows:
    The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding for the Public Health and Health Care Expenditure Plan from the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in the amount of seventy-five million eight hundred thirty six thousand sixteen dollars ($75,836,016) and allocates the funding to the Department of Health, as set forth in Exhibit 18.
  7. Page 6, line 14, after “5”, insert 18.
  8. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Health Care Facilities Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 8 by twenty two million thirty-six thousand sixteen dollars ($22,063,016); and delete Exhibit 8 and all references to the Health Care Facilities Expenditure Plan in the legislation.
  9. Reduce all cumulative amounts allocated to the Department of Water Resources in the Water Projects Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 3 that are for duplicative projects by thirty-two million dollars ($32,000,000); and adjust all related cumulative balances in the legislation and Exhibit 3 to account for this amendment.
  10. Reduce all cumulative amounts allocated to the Non-Tribal Owned Telecommunication Carriers in the Broadband-Telecommunications Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 5 by fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000); and adjust all related cumulative balances in the legislation and Exhibit 5 to account for this amendment.
  11. Reduce all cumulative amounts allocated for Illegal Dump Sites in the Solid Waste Expenditure Plan and Exhibit 7 by six million eight hundred thousand dollars ($6,800,000); reduce number of chapters served to 25 and prioritize listed chapters; and adjust all related cumulative balances in the legislation and Exhibit 5 to account for this amendment.
  12. Adjust any cumulative amounts set forth in the legislation and exhibits, if necessary, to account for this amendment.
  13. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs, sections, and/or exhibits accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: C. Slater
    S: D. Tso
    V: 12 in favor, 5 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

Amendment #8

  1. Increase amount of Housing Projects amounts in the legislation and in the Housing Projects Expenditure Plan, Exhibit 14, by Nine Million, Four Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($9,423,914)
  2. Increase the cumulative amount set forth in Exhibit 14, page 1, Section I, by Nine Million, Four Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($9,423,914).
  3. Nine Million, Four Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($9,423,914) shall be equally distributed amongst the 24 Council Delegate regions.
  4. Add the Coppermine Chapter Housing proposal (attached) to Exhibit 14.
  5. Delete all cumulative amounts allocated to the Hardship Expenditure Plan in the legislation and Exhibit 10 by Nine Million, Four Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Nine Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($9,423,914) and replace with revised totals.
  6. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs or sections accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: P. Begay
    S: W. Stewart, Jr.
    V: 17 in favor, 1 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

Amendment #9

  1. Page 3, line 17, delete lines 17 through 28 and Exhibit 1 as follows:
    I. Navajo Nation Council Resolution CMY-44-20, attached as Exhibit 1, established the Navajo Nation CARES Fund, codified at 12 N.N.C. §§ 2601 et seq.; the purpose of the Navajo Nation Cares Fund is “to serve as a depository into which the Coronavirus Relief Funds appropriated by the United States for the benefit of the CARES Act are deposited, and from which the Navajo Nation appropriates funds exclusively and only for the uses specified in this Chapter (i.e., 12 N.N.C. §§ 2601 et seq.).” 12 N.N.C. § 2603 .

J. The Navajo Nation CARES Fund establishes that the Navajo Nation’s expenditures of the Coronavirus Relief Funds will be “accomplished through the approval of an Expenditure Plan(s) adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the Navajo Nation Council, subject to final action of the President pursuant to 2 N.N.C. § 1005 (C)(10), (11), and (12).” 12 N.N.C. § 2604 (A).

  1. Page 6, line 3, delete the following:
    as directed in CMY-44-20, Section Nine (B); if the CMY-44-20 expedited budget procedures are not in place at the time the Expenditure Plans herein are adopted by the Navajo Nation Council
  2. Page 6, line 9, add the following new paragraph:
    The Navajo Nation Leadership finds that Navajo people must receive the benefits of the federal CARES Funds within the limited time period set forth in the federal CARES Act. As currently enacted, CMY-44-20 and CJN-47-20 have methods of expenditure that do not conform to each other and there are questions concerning their validity and viability. For the benefit of the Navajo Nation and the Navajo People, the Navajo Nation Council must reconcile the two resolutions with regard to CARES Fund Expenditure Plans. This resolution will combine the Expenditure Plan(s) being prepared by the Chiefs of the Navajo Nation’s Three Branches under CJN-47-20, and the Expenditure Plans prepared by the Navajo Nation Council under CMY-44-20. The passage of this resolution by the Navajo Nation Council and the signature of the Navajo Nation President, pursuant to 2 NNC § 221 (B), will demonstrate the agreement between the Navajo Nation Council and the Navajo Nation President, as to which expenditures will be funded by the federal CARES Fund provided to the Navajo Nation.
  3. Page 6, line 24, amend lines 24 through 25 as follows:
    E. The CARES Fund Expedited Procurement Rules and Procedures, as set forth in Exhibit 1-E, attached as Exhibit 13, are hereby adopted and shall apply to procurement activities for the Expenditure Plans set forth herein.
  4. Page 8, line 4, delete A cost is ‘incurred’ when the responsible unit of government has expended funds to cover the cost and insert In its Guidance issued on June 30, 2020, Treasury clarified that ‘for a cost to be considered to have been incurred, performance or delivery must occur during the covered period but payment of funds need not be made during that time (though it is generally expected that this will take place within 90 days of a cost being incurred)”.
  5. Page 8, line 12, delete Act and insert Fund.
  6. Page 8, line 12, insert the following new subparagraph:
  7. Consistent with Navajo Nation laws, rules, and regulations.
  8. Page 8, line 16, delete the Navajo Nation CARES Fund Act and insert Treasury Guidance
  9. Page 8, line 23, delete the following:
    H. As set forth in CMY-44-20, Section Four (B), in the event that the entities receiving Expenditure Plan herein fail to comply with and complete the expedited budget procedures within fifteen (15) days of the date the Expenditure Plans becomes law, the funds allocated to them will revert back to the Navajo Nation CARES Fund, upon the Budget and Finance Committee’s acceptance of a report from the Office of Management and Budget.
  10. Page 8, line 29, delete Navajo Nation funds from the
  11. Page 9, line 6, delete Navajo Nation CARES Fund,
  12. Page 9, line 22, delete under 2 N.N.C. § 164 (A)(17) and insert:
    a. 2 N.N.C. § 221 (B) and budget line-item veto authority delegated to the President by vote of the Navajo People in 2009.
  13. Page 9, line 25, delete 2 N.N.C. § 164 (A)(17) and insert budget line-item veto authority delegated to the President by vote of the Navajo People in 2009.
  14. Delete the following from the title of every Expenditure Plan: NAVAJO NATION CARES FUND ACT
  15. Delete the first or opening paragraph of every Expenditure Plan as follows:
    b. The Navajo Nation Council approved the Navajo Nation CARES Fund Act and established the Navajo Nation CARES Fund in Navajo Nation Council Resolution CMY-44-20, as line-item vetoed by the Navajo Nation President, on May 30, 2020.
  16. The Office of Legislative Counsel shall provide the Office of Legislative Services, as well as the 0144-20 Sponsor, with appropriate language to remove any references to CMY-44-20 in the legislation or exhibits. The Office of Legislative Services shall insert such language as a technical amendment.
  17. Page 7, line 4, delete the following:
    The Navajo Nation CARES Fund Act, 12 N.N.C. §§ 2501 et seq., and any rules, regulations or procedures adopted thereunder.
  18. Renumber or re-letter succeeding paragraphs or sections accordingly, if necessary; and this amendment shall supersede inconsistent language contained in any other committee amendment, which shall be conformed to the intent or language of this amendment. The Office of Legislative Services, with notice to the sponsor(s) of the Legislation, is hereby authorized to make necessary grammatical changes.
    M: R. Nez
    S: E. Tso
    V: 16 in favor, 2 opposed (Speaker Damon not voting)

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