
Navajo Council 6.3.21, 2 pm & Naabi mtg 6.3.21, 10 am

With ZERO minutes to spare, Naabik’iyati voted 22 in favor, zero opposed to Recommend to Council to Approve Legislation 0076-21. It is now 2 pm, 6.3.21. Naabi now goes into COUNCIL ala MODE… Speaker Damon announced that Amendments approved by Naabi will Die if Naabi does not vote on Legislation 0076-21. It is now 1:55 […]

Plants, water, animals also have same rights as human rights.

The Navajo Council’s Naabik’iyati Committee has started, but not officially because they do not have a quorum. But it was decided that the committee would begin listening to reports. The first report if from the “Save the Confluence” families. DELEGATE DWIGHT WITHERSPOON I understand the protection of sacred sites. And there are national parks that […]