
Our Power Campaign » Black Mesa Water Coalition

Our Power Campaign » Black Mesa Water Coalition. Black Mesa is significant to the Navajo people for a number of reasons. Four sacred mountains located in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado surround the traditional homeland of the Navajo people. Together these mountains form the boundaries of the Navajo people’s home and universe. Within these four […]

Legal challenges filed against U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over Navajo Generating Station

The Hopi Tribe, Navajo grass-roots organizations, and clean air and national park advocates filed legal challenges to the U.S. Environmental Protection’s decision to allow Navajo Generating Station to “continue polluting for the next three decades.” That according to Oct. 7, 2014 press releases from Black Mesa Water Coalition of Flagstaff, Ariz., To’Nizhoni Ani (Beautiful Water […]

Peabody Coal mandated to RESPECT Mother Earth

GREETINGS RELATIVES/FRENS/HUMANS, A LANDMARK AGREEMENT FOR REESPECT FOR MOTHER EARTH AND THE NAVAJO WAY OF LIFE WAS MADE BETWEEN NAVAJO GRASSROOTS GROUPS AND FEDERAL COAL MINING ENTITES!!!! MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON MOTHER EARTH!!!! “Native and environmental groups win critical protections for Black Mesa land. Federal mine regulators now under mandate to give greater consideration to […]

Tune into KTNN radio at 6 pm and Contact US EPA about Navajo Generating Station

TONIGHT at 6 pm on KTNN 660 AM Radio, Marshall Johnson of To’ Nizhoni Ani (Beautiful Water Speaks) will discuss U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act provision to regulate Nitrogen Oxide/NOx emissions by implementing the Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) for Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in five years. NGS has negatively impacted the Navajo […]