Navajo Council adds 8 pieces of legislation, 4 verbal reports, 1 written report, removes 2 pieces of legislation

Council debating the addition of Four Reports to their proposed agenda, which was made by Council Delegate Leonard Tsosie. Reports were made before President Russell Begaye’s State of the Nation address.
VOTE at 1:19 pm, 14-3
The 4 reports are:
Myron Bryant on Youth
JR Lester on horse riders opposing referendum
Jerry Brodie on Dusty Trail Riders, supporter of Council horseback ride
Melvin Harrison on Support Referendum

DELEGATE WALTER PHELPS motions to have all the legislation that Naabik’iyati Committee this morning added all at once to proposed agenda. The legislation are:
0208-15, An Act relating to Resources and Development, Health, Education and Human Services; Budget and Finance, Naabik’iyati’, and Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) for the 110 Navajo Nation Chapter’s Summer Youth Employment
Legislation 0229-15: An Action relating to Resources and Development Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $163,372.00 for Wide Ruins Chapter-Pine Springs Scattered Powerline Extension Project; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(I) and 860(C) Relating to the Capital Improvement Process
Legislation 0232-15: An Action Relating to Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $400,000 for Black Mesa Headstart Facility Construction Project, Business Unit Number New
Legislation 0234-15: An Action relating to Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $31,780 for Tsidi To’ii Chapter for Improving BIA N2 Road
Legislation 0235-15: An Action relating to Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $45,000 for Operating Expenses of the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Office for Fiscal Year 2015
Legislation 0238-15: An Action relating to Budget and Finance and Naabik’iyati’ Committees and Navajo Nation Council; Authorizing a Senior Unsecured General Obligation Tax-Exempt Necessary to Maintain the Navajo Nation’s New Aircraft and to Pay Related Financing and Legal Costs; Approving Term Sheet; Delegating Authority to Negotiate, Execute and Deliver Final Loan Documents; and Related Matters
Legislation 0240-15: An Action relating to Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $200,000 for Navajo Community Development Financial Institution, Business Unit New
Legislation 0241-15: An Action relating to Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’iyati’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $21,117 for Hard Rock Chapter’s Rural Addressing System, Business Unit Number 108017
VOTE at 1:23 pm, 13-4

delete 154 & 156
VOTE at 1:29 pm, 19-0

DELEGATE NELSON BEGAYE, historic event but yet Chief Justice listed way down there so move up to between #4 and #6.-Move to #5. Second by Delegate Damon
VOTE at 1:32 pm, 16-4

DELEGATE JONATHAN HALE, receive written report from Az Sen. C. Begay.
VOTE at 1:34 pm, 20-0


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