Budget & Finance Committee: Navajo Veterans Trust Fund Budget, Chapter Audits, Roads. 10 am, 4.13.21

OF THE NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL April 13, 2021 Special Meeting
10 a.m. Via Teleconference: 669 900-6833
Zoom meeting ID: 232 628 2566
Passcode: 86515
Presiding: Jamie Henio, Chairperson
Raymond Smith, Jr., Vice Chairperson

Place: Via Telecommunications Window Rock, Navajo Nation
Members Present:
_ Elmer P. Begay _ Jamie Henio
Nathaniel Brown _ Raymond Smith, Jr.
Amber K. Crotty _ _ Jimmy Yellowhair

  1. Call the Meeting to Order; the Roll Call; the Invocation;
  2. Recognize Guests and Visiting Officials
  3. Review and Adopt the Agenda
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  4. Review and Adopt the Journal: none
  5. Receive Reports: none
  6. Old Business: none
  7. New Business:
    a. Legislation No. 0053-21: An Action Relating to the Resources and
    Development Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee; Accepting the Special Review of Round Rock Chapter Submitted by the Office of the Auditor General; Approving the Corrective Action Plan Submitted by Round Rock Chapter Sponsored by Carl Slater, Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    b. Legislation No. 0054-21: An Action Relating to the Resources and
    Development Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee; Accepting the Special Review of Lukachukai Chapter Submitted by the Office of the Auditor General; Approving the Corrective Action Plan Submitted by Lukachukai Chapter Sponsored by Carl Slater, Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    c. Legislation No. 0055-21: An Act Relating to Resources and Development,
    Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation
    Council; Allocating $833,333.00 in Síhasin Funds to the Navajo Division of
    Transportation for the Route 8070 Road Improvement Project; Approving and Adopting the Route 8070 Road Improvement Project Expenditure Plan
    Pursuant to 12 N.N.C §§ 2501 – 2508 Sponsored by Carl Slater, Council
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    d. Legislation No. 0062-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a Change in Resolution No. CAP-35-18, Exhibit D, Project No. D5; Deleting the Project Description “Multi-Purpose Site Improvement” and Adding “Road Improvement for N566 and N361; Plan/Design & Construct” and Changing the Funding Year to Year 3 sponsored by Rick Nez, Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    e. Legislation No. 0063-21: An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naa’bik’íyáti’ Committees, and Navajo Nation Council; Amending Council Resolution CN-88-20, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2021 Comprehensive Budget; Approving the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration and Veterans Trust Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Sponsored by Raymond Smith, Jr., Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    f. Legislation No. 0069-21: An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance
    Committee; Approving and Adopting an Amendment and Restatement of the Navajo Nation 401(k) Savings Plan to Amend the Plan’s Automatic
    Contribution, Automatic Enrollment Arrangement, and Hardship Provisions
    Sponsored by Jamie Henio, Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  8. Close of the Session; Written Announcements; Adjournment
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    Next Regular Meeting: May 4, 2021

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